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About Us

Why is our organization called Arts4All Foundation?

We at Arts4All Foundation believe in celebrating art in all of its forms. Art is an individual expression of creativity where imagination gives birth to innovation and progress. A foundation is the root or source of existence, including all ideas and creations. Hence, we created Arts4All Foundation as an inclusive organization that is committed to educating, advocating, and empowering individuals and communities to be artists of change and color the world with universal compassion, knowledge, truth, justice, freedom, and righteousness.

Why do we organize free events for the public?

We at Arts4All Foundation believe that the knowledge and wisdom from the past is invaluable, and education should be accessible to all, which is why we organize events free to the public commemorating Human Rights Day, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and many more days significant to advance or strengthen humanitarian causes. In our past events, we have honored and shared the stories of the last living Holocaust survivors, other genocide survivors from around the world, and human rights leaders or activists dedicating their lives to important humanitarian efforts. We also host an annual Diwali and Navaratri celebration, as these holidays are unique in spreading a message of the light of knowledge removing all forms of ignorance, righteousness triumphing over injustice, honoring women’s empowerment, and shedding light on societal inequities, as well as the importance of preserving inalienable universal human rights and the planet.

All of our private functions are hosted to thank our generous contributors, sponsors, and volunteers. At our private functions, we honor individuals and organizations who revitalize our communities and defend human rights.

We are committed to continuing to organize free public events that educate, support, and advance human rights causes and efforts locally, nationally, and globally. With your help, we hope to continue to expand upon these projects and programs to support our planet and the most vulnerable populations in New York and around the world. Please join us in making history as a volunteer, donor, or sponsor of our events.

Make an Real and Impactful Difference in the World!

Please Support Us Today in Making History!

100% of all proceeds goes to our current and future humanitarian events and projects

Our Mission

Our Mission

Arts4All Foundation was founded with the vision of pioneering integrative programs, projects, and events to expand upon sustainable development in developing areas, including access to clean drinking water, increase accessibility, equity, freedom, justice, social and economic equality, global solidarity efforts, preserve artistic antiquities, cultures, or expressions, and provide the highest quality education, health, and social services to all. We are a 100% fully volunteer-run human rights organization of distinguished leaders and professionals dedicated to advancing human rights and world peace to support the ever-evolving needs of vulnerable communities while also preserving the planet for future generations to come.

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Our Vision

We at Arts4All Foundation envision a more equal, enlightened, and peaceful world where all people can thrive because they are able to express their individuality, be accepted for who they are, and live in unity with one another, thereby progressing their selves, families, communities, and our world through their unique talents and gifts. The rapid advancements in global connectivity, technological development, and grassroots movements have presented new opportunities for all people to use their voices and unique talents to get involved in strengthening human rights. Arts4All Foundation is seeking to pioneer and change the way humanity views one another and our planet and how humanitarian crises are addressed.

Our innovative platform is designed to uplift all people and communities. We are committed to building a more free, sustainable, and peaceful world by tackling the complex societal challenges through tireless advocacy, humanitarian projects, meaningful events, and creating institutions of peacebuilding, wellness, and justice.

Pioneering Education

We at Arts4All Foundation believe that a high-quality education, sustainable infrastructure, socio-economic equality, the preservation of the arts, and accessibility to social and health services are the keys to fostering positive individual and societal development, cultivating change, and inspiring the next generation of leaders to constructively progress the world.

One of our many goals is to make history and open the first school and community center and sanctuary of its kind in the world. The long-term consequences of on-going or new wars, mass violence or genocide, poverty, hate, inequity, and environmental displacement have created continuous cycles of cross-generational trauma and injustice in which our society’s most vulnerable children and communities suffer the consequences of systematic disparities.

Arts4All Foundation will open the world’s first international school of global peace, wellness, and innovation that encompasses an integrative studies and human-centered educational institution built on academic excellence, creativity, socio-emotional learning, and advancing human rights while simultaneously progressing research and innovation. What makes this school truly unique is our transformative leadership model and interdisciplinary curriculum and instruction. When working with each student, we will prepare them for the real world and have ongoing evaluations to address all of the dimensions of wellness, including the physical, cognitive, emotional, social or cultural, educational, environmental, and financial conditions that affect one’s ability to learn, their health, well-being, quality of life, and lifelong development. With an emphasis on analytical skill building, creativity and exploration, and academic rigor, our current and next generation of children will have the knowledge, attitudes, and capabilities to emerge as consciousness leaders who discover and implement meaningful and effective solutions to our ever-growing societal challenges.

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Our Mission
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Enriching Lives and Communities

Throughout history, sanctuaries, called by different names in a variety of cultures, have existed as centers of spreading knowledge and education and provided religious, spiritual, and social support services. We at Arts4ll Foundation believe that community sanctuary centers are essential to bridging the gaps of disparity and uniting people for the common cause of ensuring world peace, justice, refuge, and inclusion. Our community center will be a sanctuary of hope in which all people of all faiths, cultural backgrounds, ethnicity, genders, races, sexes, financial statuses, and identities are welcome to come together for refuge in a time of crisis, have access to social, health, and environmental support services, legal and spiritual guidance, preserve and highlight ancient art form and work, conduct research and advocacy for humanitarian causes, and have a discourse, forums, and dialogues on human rights, peace, and justice to construct collaborative solutions to local community, national, and global issues.

We at Arts4All Foundation value the legacy, beauty, craftsmanship, and social, spiritual, scientific, architectural, and cultural contributions of ancient art. In India, there is a diverse and rich history of art being created to advance or strengthen important humanitarian causes, spiritual progress, and social movements of change. The origin of Indian art can be traced back to as early as the 3rd millennium BCE, with prehistoric settlements forming artistic techniques to advance their civilizations. We will host events that highlight talented artists and showcase traditional art forms, music, and dances. We are committed to supporting the continued practices, methods, or techniques of artisans and will help preserve the artwork, dance, and music of ancient cultures.

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Giving Hope and Support

We at Arts4All Foundation believe it is the inherent right of all children to be raised in a supportive and loving environment and community. It is unacceptable that the majority of the world’s children endure physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, violence, trauma, and negligence in their lifetime. All too often, child abuse is ignored, dismissed, or the child is taken away from an abuse environment and then placed into another at-risk environment through the foster care system, shelter, or orphanage. In the United States, there are over 3.6 million cases of child abuse reported every year, and many more cases of neglect or abuse are not reported. An estimated 8 million children worldwide are orphans, and a recent study that examined orphaned children in five countries showed that 50.3% of the children were abused in the orphanages. To address the challenges of the orphanage system, we are committed to funding, opening, and supporting orphanages in India, which will be centered around reducing trauma and providing a nurturing environment with quality social, health, psychological, and educational services for children to healthily develop into adulthood.

In New York, through our school and community center, we will provide social, educational, nutritional, wellness, and mental health services for abused children to directly help children heal and grow from their trauma. We will utilize evidence-based practices directly geared to support the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development and well-being of at-risk children.

Building Sustainable Villages

We at Arts4All Foundation believe clean water should be free and accessible to all. When unclean water is responsible for the deaths of millions of people each year and one fourth of the world’s population does not have access to safe drinking water, it is an unacceptable and preventable global health problem that we are committing to solving. It is our goal to provide free and accessible water purification systems or wells for rural and underdevelopment villages in India, giving thousands of people access to safe drinking and clean bathing water.

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Make an Real and Impactful Difference in the World!

Please Support Us Today in Making History!

100% of all proceeds goes to our current and future humanitarian events and projects

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